Safe ways to knock our yard work, burn debris and prevent wildfires. Click on the “find out more” link below.
Every year, wildfires burn across the U.S. and more and more people are living where wildfires are a real risk. Join your neighbors in emergency preparedness. Learn more at
FireWise Community Certificate 2024-2025
FireWise Community Certificate 2023-2024
Firewise_KFACC_ Interactive Map for Homeowners-Click the link in the document
Communities Compatiblility with Nature
COMMUNITY WILDFIRE HAZARD RISK ASSESSMENT TO BE DONE 2023!, If you are interested in having your home assessed, please send an email to the HOA email and address to "Firewise Assessment"
Note: the Community wildfire Hazard Risk Assessment is reviewed and updated in which must be provided during the FireWise Certification. If a copy is needed please inquire.